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Discover Sophisticated, Animated Title Designs
NewBlue Titler Live Advance delivers unprecedented control and versatility to your live sports production. Build custom scoreboards, titles and graphics with the Title Designer. Then easily control the score, game clocks, and more with the breakthrough Scoreboard Module.

Experience More Than Just Keeping Score
Keep the game running smoothly with the breakthrough Scoreboard Tool. It’s easier than ever to control multiple clocks, quickly update scores and create customizable data fields to complement any sport.

Create Your Own Title from Scratch
Create custom titles, lower thirds or bug designs with Titler Live Advance. Leveraging the powerful Title Designer, you can create titles to fit your needs with a wealth of design features including shape and text extrusion, customizable light sources, and much more.

Enjoy Breakthrough Speed & Efficiency
Titler Live Advance optimizes title creation. Just choose a Template, type your text and insert it into the shot list. It’s that easy. In addition, Titler Live Advance seamlessly integrates with Wirecast, automatically rendering at your broadcast resolution - saving directly to your Wirecast project.

Discover Additional Templates
Get the look of a big budget production with the exclusive sports and motion pack collections. Each professionally designed sports template comes with a variety of scoreboard layouts to fit your needs. Plus with the Kinetic and Fluid motion packs, you can create complex motion graphics that’s as easy as drag and drop.